Since QGIS 3.32, HTML formatting in composer text boxes works differently and code snippets like this example that used to display a linear gradient no longer work :

<html> <head> <style type="text/css">
body { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(right,#ffffff,#3ad3fd,#8ecd10,#ffea01,#fe003b,#8901ff);  }
* { color: white}
This is an HTML gradient!
</body> </html>

I'm told from this issue that:

since 3.32, users have to rely on HTML item (instead of an HTML-enabled label item) when wanting to rely on <style> tags

... which seems to refer to this change but the changelog doesn't point to any github commit and not being an html guru, I couldn't find the difference between an "HTML item" and an "HTML-enabled label item". Googling it seemingly yields no related result so I'm stuck in my research.

Is there a way to fix this HTML snippet to make it work in QGIS 3.32?

  • here is the code commit, including the test project/data
    – JGH
    Commented Nov 9, 2023 at 20:26
  • Thank you! The test file helped a lot. I posted an answer. Commented Nov 10, 2023 at 9:19

1 Answer 1


In the composer, we now have to use the html box tool instead of the regular label box:

enter image description here

With this type of box the code works:

enter image description here

Thanks to @JGH for helping me unlock this mystery.

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