I am trying to export hourly wind speed data from ERA5 hourly dataset via GEE. I got a CSV file with system index and windspeed in separate columns. However, I think the values are incorrect, since they are very small considering there was a cyclone during this time in my AOI. This are my wind speed values so less!!!
This is the code I am using:
var ERA5 = ee.ImageCollection("ECMWF/ERA5_LAND/HOURLY")
.filter(ee.Filter.date('2017-09-01', '2017-10-01'));
var ERA5DOM = ERA5.map(function(im){
return im.clip(AOI);
var ERA5windspeed = ERA5DOM.map(function(image){
var wind_10m = image.expression(
'sqrt(u**2 + v**2)', {
'u': image.select('u_component_of_wind_10m'),
'v': image.select('v_component_of_wind_10m')
var time = image.get('system:time_start');
return wind_10m.set('system:time_start', time) } );
// Function to convert ImageCollection to FeatureCollection
var convertToFeatureCollection = function(image){
return ee.Feature(null, {'windspeed': image.select('windspeed').reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), AOI).get('windspeed')});
// Convert ImageCollection to FeatureCollection
var ERA5windspeedFeatures = ERA5windspeed.map(convertToFeatureCollection);
// Export FeatureCollection to Drive
collection: ERA5windspeedFeatures,
description: 'DOM_mean_wind',
fileFormat: 'CSV',
selectors: ['system:index', 'windspeed']
What is the right formulae used in this code? Or if it is some other issue, can you guide me with that too?