In order for a script tool I'm writing in ArcMap to read fields in a source CSV correctly as text, I need to automate the writing of a shema.ini file in the source directory. In order to do that I need to write a list of fields from an input table to a text file with sequential column names, i.e., "Col1", "Col2", etc. before each field name from the list. Is there a way to insert a sequential number function into a for loop expression that will increment each field name in the list?

addressTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
inputDir = os.path.dirname(addressTable)
schemaFile = str(inputDir) + "\schema.ini"
fieldList = arcpy.ListFields(addressTable)

with open(schemaFile, 'w') as f:
    for field in fieldList:
       f.write("Col" + ???? + "=" + field.name + " Text Width 128\n")

This is an example of what I need to get to:

Col1=UID Text Width 128
Col2=Address Text Width 128
Col3=City Text Width 128
Col4=State Text Width 128
Col5=ZIP Text Width 128

1 Answer 1


You can index a counter. For example:

counter = 0
for i in range(5):
    counter +=1
    print('Col' + str(counter))

This code returns or prints out....


So in your case you can increment the counter by 1 for each field, convert that to a string and do the concantenation.

counter = 0
with open(schemaFile, 'w') as f:
    for field in fieldList:
       counter +=1
       f.write("Col" + str(counter) + "=" + field.name + " Text Width 128\n")

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