I would like to be able to open and view a GDB file (GIS file for raster data) in Python.
The data is official US government GIS data, the file can be downloaded publicly here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/r5/communityforests/?cid=fseprd1009698
there is also an arcgis app that hosts the data so that it can be viewed: https://usfs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=d1bb42e8e14c46528bbedcede6b03e62
When clicking the download button a zip file is downloaded that has a folder with many GIS files within it.
I am looking into two options:
Is there a way to directly read a GDB folder or zip file in Python?
Is there a way to convert the GDB file to another format like GeoTIFF and then load that file into Python?