I have worked with GDAL previously and USGS 1/9th arc second data many years ago before I became severely ill and had to give it up. I am now looking at resurrecting what I was doing.
The problem is that since I had been using GDAL things seemed to have changed A LOT, and I am now completely lost as to how to do what I want.
What I need is to be able to download a block of 1m DEM data as a GeoTiff to my local HD for processing, once I have that I should be able to pick up from where I left off and convert it to a 16 bit normalized Height map for importing into the game engine after ensuring there are no NaN values and ranging the data to have a minimum value > 2.
At this point though I don't even know how to get the GeoTiff to be able to process it, I used to just download them from the USGS but now all of their images appear to be black and white and not grey scale.