When creating a new vector layer from a PostGIS JNDI datasource, the field Native SRS keeps being empty. Declared SRS is correctly set to EPSG:4326.
I know there already exist some posts on this topic and I have checked the hints from others:
Geoserver - empty native SRS field
Layer missing Native SRS in geoserver
that is, I have checked that my user used by GeoServer to access the table has the relevant permissions.
SELECT * FROM information_schema.table_privileges
Gives me all privileges on my table. The same is true for
SELECT * FROM information_schema.column_privileges
I have also checked, that
SELECT Find_SRID('public', 'mytable', 'the_geom');
returns find_srid = '4326'
What else can be the issue that GeoServer does not recognize the SRS of my data?