I am georeferencing a historical map and then trying to harmonise it with polygons from another file. I am trying to think about the best way to do this with respect to setting control points.
To give you an idea, I have a map with polygons circa 1900, and a shapefile of current polygons in 2020. Due to various reasons, the size of the polygons has changed over this period. I want to create a new shapefile using shapes from the 1900 map, but locations from the 2020 shapefile (which is from the U.S. Census Bureau and is therefore the 'truth'). Below you can see an example of a quickly georeferenced map (using lon / lat), and the 2020 polygons. You can see that 641 is unchanged from 1900 to 2020, but 582 is smaller in 2020 than it was in 1900.
What would be the best practice here? I am thinking of setting control points on the 2020 polygons themselves (the ones that have not changed shape) with a view that if these match, the locations of polygons such as 582 would be 'correct' when I get around to digitising them. I am not experienced enough to know if this is a bad practice.