I am working on synchronising the view extents of maps on layouts. I can do this using .layoutByName, .itemById, .extent and then .setExtent to get the Map I want from the right layout then find its extents and apply those to another map on a different layout. Currently I am getting the items using .layoutByName but as my layout names are going to change that won't work. I think I should be able to get the layouts by their Uuid but I can't figure out how. Currently my Code is something like the code below

Surveylayout_name = '24888-TRS-02' !!!This name will change!!
SurveyMap_name = 'Tree_Survey_Map'

#getting the layout details for the source plan
manager = QgsProject.instance().layoutManager()
sourcelayout = manager.layoutByName('24888-CON-01')
get_sourceMap = sourcelayout.itemById('Constraints_A')
get_sourcemap_extents = get_get_sourceMap.extent()

#getting the target plan 
Target_layout = manager.layoutByName('24888-TRS-02')
get_TargetMap = Target_layout.itemById('Tree_Survey_Map')
  • 1
    I don't think layouts do have a uuid. The layout manager can return a list of layouts, could you use the index of that list to target them? E.g. manager.printLayouts()[0]. The list should be in the order in which they have been added. Admittedly it's a bit awkward if you need to remove layouts, or if you have lots of them. Commented Jul 10 at 21:35
  • @SirLostalot targeting using layout index works fine, I don't have many layouts that need syncing so its workable.
    – Sethinacan
    Commented Jul 11 at 8:09
  • Super, happy for me to add this as an answer then? Commented Jul 11 at 14:44
  • To do it safely you can try selecting index by a .index() method of the list, e.g. layoutlist.index('24888-CON-01')
    – rychlik
    Commented Jul 12 at 7:23
  • @SirLostalot you have my permission to answer the question,
    – Sethinacan
    Commented Jul 12 at 15:09

1 Answer 1


Layouts do not have a uuid. The layout manager can return a list of layouts, so you can use the index of that list to target them instead E.g.:


The list should be in the order in which they have been added.

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