I'm setting up a QGIS maptip for a layer which comprises 6 text columns. I'm using a CASE WHEN expression in the HTML Map Tip window which is;

[% CASE WHEN "Confine" ='WNC' 

ELSE "notes1"

This works and displays the attribute information correctly, but only for 2 of the 6 columns.

IS there a syntax to include notesb, notesc, notes2 etc in the statement above, or is this not possible within the maptips function in QGIS

1 Answer 1


You can concatenate multiple fields. Use the operator || if there is no null value, or the concat() function if there is any null.

enter image description here

  • Hi, thanks for your reply
    – Simon Hume
    Commented Aug 16 at 10:04
  • That works where i only need the maptip to show on 1 line. But i need the answer to space across 4 separate lines (1 for each reply from 4 separate fields in the atribute table of the layer) I've tried adding a <br> and '\n' in between the "notesa" & "notesb" fields but these don't. is there a way to do this
    – Simon Hume
    Commented Aug 16 at 10:08
  • 1
    yes, by adding a <br> between the fields :-) concat("notea", '<br>', "noteb") or "notea" || '<br>' || "noteb"
    – JGH
    Commented Aug 16 at 11:26

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