I'm building a QGIS model for calculating isochrones with PostGIS. I can input multiple time values in the model by typing something like '5,10,15'
(these are minutes for calculating) into a string input, then I add these values to a vector layer column by string_to_array(@time_values, ',')
in Field calculator and I set this field type as Integer List.
Then I run this PostGIS query to calculate driving distance with PostGIS:
SELECT * FROM pgr_drivingDistance(
'SELECT id, source, target, cost, time FROM network',
ARRAY(SELECT node_id FROM isochrone_origins),
ARRAY(SELECT network.time from network limit 1),
But I get an error:
Error encountered while running CREATE TABLE route walking: Error executing SQL:
SQL error: SELECT * FROM pgr_drivingDistance( 'SELECT id, source, target, cost, time FROM network',
ARRAY(SELECT node_id FROM isochrone_origins),
ARRAY(SELECT network.time from network limit 1), false ) returned 0 [ERROR: function pgr_drivingdistance(unknown, integer[], integer[], boolean) does not exist
Seems like pgr_drivingdistance function does not allow to use arrays for time values, because when there's just one integer value it works fine without array (SELECT network.time from network limit 1
Is there any way to make this work?