What I want to do :
input: raster file, polygon feature layer
- Convert raster to polygon using
Method - Intersect resultant polygon feature class and input feature layer using Intersect tool from my c# code.
I am doing these two steps perfectly. But I need some specific field from intersected layer for next steps. So it would be helpful if I can specify field names in intersected layer. But I could not find any way to specify field names.
It would be helpful if anyone can give me some idea how to specify some field names. If there is any process to take fields from one feature class and not from another feature class in intersect tool, that will also solve my problem. Or when I am converting a raster to a feature class, can I specify the value field name? Or is there any rule for value field name in the newly created feature class from the raster layer. By default the field of this value field in feature class is "GRIDCODE".