I've got a wicked GeoNode instance running, loaded with some basic vector data. I want to be able to serve our local-County aerial imagery as a basemap within GeoNode. I am thoroughly overwhelmed with where to begin...so I'm going to lay out some of my details:
- Countywide aerial imagery consists of 7 MrSID files, about 1+GB each, in California State Plane Coordinates.
From the basic research I've done, here's the strategy I was roughly thinking:
gdalbuildvrt to mosaic .sid's
gdal2tiles - would i only create one layer of tiles here in order for ImageMosaic plugin (GeoServer) to consume?
- gdalwarp - I'll need to warp tiles into Web Mercator sometime, right?
Like I said, I'm a little overwhelmed. Should I use the WMS of GeoServer or go with an independent WMS e.g. TileCache/TileStache or MapBox/TileMill? What kind of workaround will I need to do with my aerials and their native projection? Am I missing a step with gdal_retile and creation of a image pyramid? Thanks for reading, I hope this is a good question for the community ~Joe.