I have a Layer:
pointLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Point Layer", {
strategies: [strategy],
styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
"default": {
label : "${text}",
pointRadius: 10,
fillColor: "#ffcc66",
fillOpacity: 0.8,
strokeColor: "#cc6633",
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeOpacity: 0.8
"select": {
fillColor: "#8aeeef",
strokeColor: "#32a8a9"
I create this layer without any feature. I periodically call the server and get json objects from it. The json objects have coordinate attributes and a text attribute. After i get the objects, i put points on the layer. I set the text attribute in the point features:
pointFeature.attributes = {
text: jsonObj.text
The problem is that the labels don't appear on the layer (but the points appear). I noticed that the labels appeared only when i added the point features to the layer before i added the layer to the map.
I found the redraw() method, but it doesn't work because after the server call i remove all the points from the layer and add the new points to it.
To summarize the problem: i want to display labels of point features which were added to the layer after the layer was added to the map.