I use a lot of scripts as GP Service almost all use the arcpy functions but one (and very important) of my scripts needs a gdal/ogr and numpy imports. I can run this script in PyScripter or as a tool in Toolbox in ArcMap. Now, I am trying to publish my script from GP Result window as GP Service on ArcGIS Server 10.1. This is weird because I can see only Packaging in progress window a long time and after 30 minutes I must kill the Service Editor. I tested my script by commenting it line by line and publishing each time as a GP service. I have already found the reason of my problems but still I do not have solution. The publishing problems appear when I use import of numpy in my script (import numpy as np or import numpy). Does anyone know the reason of this state? Numpy is very important library so I think the solution should exists.
I have tested my simple script
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import ogr
from osgeo.gdalconst import *
import numpy as np
It runs in ArcGIS for Desktop but I can not publish service. I always get window Packing in progress
When I comment out import as np
I can publish service successfully.