I have a raster that I'd like to do some point interpolations with. Here is where I'm at:
from osgeo import gdal
from numpy import array
# Read raster
source = gdal.Open('my_raster.tif')
nx, ny = source.RasterXSize, source.RasterYSize
gt = source.GetGeoTransform()
band_array = source.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
# Close raster
source = None
# Compute mid-point grid spacings
ax = array([gt[0] + ix*gt[1] + gt[1]/2.0 for ix in range(nx)])
ay = array([gt[3] + iy*gt[5] + gt[5]/2.0 for iy in range(ny)])
Up to now, I've tried SciPy's interp2d function:
from scipy import interpolate
bilinterp = interpolate.interp2d(ax, ay, band_array, kind='linear')
however I get a memory error on my 32-bit Windows system with a 317×301 raster:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\interpolate.py", line 125, in __init__
self.tck = fitpack.bisplrep(self.x, self.y, self.z, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0.)
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\scipy\interpolate\fitpack.py", line 873, in bisplrep
I'll admit, I have limited confidence in this SciPy function, as the bounds_error
or fill_value
parameters don't work as documented. I don't see why I should have a memory error, since my raster is 317×301, and the bilinear algorithm should not be difficult.
Has anyone come across a good bilinear interpolation algorithm, preferably in Python, possibly tailored with NumPy? Any hints or advice?
(Note: the nearest neighbor interpolation algorithm is easy cake:
from numpy import argmin, NAN
def nearest_neighbor(px, py, no_data=NAN):
'''Nearest Neighbor point at (px, py) on band_array
example: nearest_neighbor(2790501.920, 6338905.159)'''
ix = int(round((px - (gt[0] + gt[1]/2.0))/gt[1]))
iy = int(round((py - (gt[3] + gt[5]/2.0))/gt[5]))
if (ix < 0) or (iy < 0) or (ix > nx - 1) or (iy > ny - 1):
return no_data
return band_array[iy, ix]
... but I much prefer bilinear interpolation methods)
because NumPy tries to access beyond yourband_array
? You should checkax