I'm new at this. I am "building" a python plugin for qgis and I want to import modules from GRASS and SAGA but I don't understand how to do it. The plugin I want to import is Kriging interpolation from SAGA or v.surf.idw from GRASS or interpolation plugin from Raster qgis. I want an interpolation method to convert points in grid.
Can you help me?
I have another doubt.
I run these lines in my code:
vectorlayer_vector = ftools_utils.getVectorLayerByName(inputLayer)
Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()
output = ftools_utils.getRasterLayerByName(outPath)
Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:shapestogrid", vectorlayer_vector, Elevation, 0, 0, 4, None, cellSize, output)
When I run, I get an tiff image but with nothing. The .aux file is not created and when I try to open the tiff image that I created appears this message:
c:...teste3.tif is not a supported raster data source
So, I guess that the output is wrong. What I have to do to get a correct output? What I missing?