I am struggling with the latest pgrouting & osm2pgrouting V2.
The toolchain is installed on my server without any issues, I tried to install it from github and compile it - and I tried it from a stable repo via aptitude as well. Both show the same problems.
I try to import a chunk of OSM data into my routing DB. The import runs smooth and it looks very promising, but there is no 'to_cost' value filled in. I did calculate it once by hand, but I would like to see the original data from the import. What bothers me most, is thhat after a quick glimpse on the source code I noticed that osm2pgrouting does not do that.
"COPY " + tables_prefix + "ways(gid, class_id, length, x1, y1, x2, y2, osm_id, the_geom, reverse_cost, maxspeed_forward, maxspeed_backward, priority, name) FROM STDIN"
Where is this 'to_cost' assignment?