I am trying to use las2las from libLAS on Ubuntu 14.04 entering the following code into the terminal:
las2las --input merged.las --output ground.las --keep-class 2
This outputs a LAS file which has bounds -214.XX, -214.XX,-214.XX,-214.XX. Just to make sure the merged.las file was good, I was able to open it up and view it in ArcGIS 10.2.2 on a Windows 7 machine. I've also tried a variant where --input was changed to -i and likewise for --output, but got similar results.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there something wrong in my code?
EDIT: After more testing, I found out my real issue is lasmerge. I have tried the following two lines of code
ls *.las > lidardata.txt
lasmerge -i lidardata.txt -o indianhill.las
I have also tried:
lasmerge -i 640.las -i 641.las -i 686.las -i 687.las -o indiantwo.las
Both of them result in incorrect bounds. I have also tried the -verbose flag, which the help/manual suggest lasmerge should have. But, I get an error saying that it is not a command.