My question is similar to this post, but because there are no "perfect" answer and above all no reproducible example I open this question.
I have a "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" and a data frame. Both have a variable of common factors. I would like to generate a random point for each observation of the data frame within the according polygon.
I am starting to learn GIS with R. I read the first chapters of Bivand et al. 2013 but i am still strugling with the basics. I tried with the function spsample from the library(sp) but I am puzzling with the variable n of this function: it's an (approximate) sample size
In my example there are 3 polygons and 30 observations. The common variable is MatchID. I need a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with 15 points in the first polygons ("abcd"), 10 in the second ("efgh") in 5 in the third ("ijkl"). See
# Definition of the CRS <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=36 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
# Definition of 3 Polygons
poly.a <- Polygon((matrix(c(-4.653724,1.2210259,-3.803160, 1.3799638, -3.245480, 0.1665987,-4.666098, 0.1097523, -4.653724, 1.2210259), nrow=5, ncol=2, byrow=T)))
poly.b <- Polygon((matrix(c(-5.820343, 2.675320,-5.427519, 3.062975,-4.701119, 2.819967,-4.555540, 1.855489, -5.050758, 1.388308, -5.783673, 1.572882,-5.820343, 2.675320), nrow=7, ncol=2, byrow=T)))
poly.c <- Polygon((matrix(c(-3.758639, 2.873654, -3.273958, 3.417311, -2.213099, 2.935320, -1.972031, 1.945992, -3.033510, 1.279312, -3.709359, 1.844633, -3.758639, 2.873654), nrow=7, ncol=2, byrow=T)))
# Making a SpatialPolygons
polys.a = Polygons(list(poly.a), "pa")
polys.b = Polygons(list(poly.b), "pb")
polys.c = Polygons(list(poly.c), "pc")
Spolys = SpatialPolygons(list(polys.a,polys.b,polys.c), 1:3,
# Making a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
data.Spolys<- (data.frame(MatchID=c("abcd","efgh","ijkl"), row.names=row.names(Spolys)))
Poly <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Spolys, data.Spolys, match.ID = TRUE)
## Data frame that should be converted in a SpatialPointsDataFrame thanks to the variable "MatchID"
df <- data.frame(
V1 = 1:30,
V2 = "a"
I need a function to generalize the idea below (looking for the matching with the factor) and giving exactly the number of observation I need (and not an approximate random size)
spdf.a <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(spsample(Poly[Poly$MatchID=="abcd",], n = nrow(df[df$MatchID=="abcd",]), "stratified"), df[df$MatchID=="abcd",])
with n>30