I would like to add different icons to my leaflet map based on attribute data. My layer is a geojson layer, it is coming from geoserver with jsnop. I can see my data with the default marker, but when I try to change the code to add custom style I get this error:
Cannot read property 'labelAnchor' of undefined
It would be great if I can get some help.
var WFSLayer = null;
var ajax = $.ajax({
url : URL,
dataType : 'jsonp',
jsonpCallback : 'getJson',
success : function (response) {
WFSLayer = L.geoJson(response, {
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
var smallIcon = L.Icon.extend({
options: {
iconSize: [27, 27],
iconAnchor: [13, 27],
popupAnchor: [1, -24],
iconUrl: 'leaflet/icons/' + feature.properties.pcp + '.png'
var myIcon = new smallIcon();
return L.marker(latlng, {icon: smallIcon});
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
popupOptions = {maxWidth: 600};
//sidebar.setContent('<h4>'+feature.properties.musno+'</h4><br>'+'<h4>'+feature.properties.exchange_name+'</h4><br>'+feature.properties.pcp, popupOptions);