I am working on mapping trails and reroutes of those trails in West Virginia. I'm going out with a GPS and walking everything and then coming back to the office to project everything on a map(s). The only problem I am having is that some of my trails and reroutes are not connecting at their intersections.

Is there a way to fix this in ArcMap or ArcCatalog so that I don't have to keep driving to the trails and rewalk them (i.e. is there like a spray paint or pencil option).

I've been trying to play around with it for a few days, and it's been a few years since I have had any formal training, but no luck so far.

1 Answer 1


One of the easiest fixes for this situation is to utilize geodatabase topology rules. Specifically, the situation you describe can be identified with the "Must Not Have Dangles" rule. You can fix these dangles with the Fix Topology Error tool.

Another option is to use the Snap (Editing) tool.

enter image description here

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