While digitizing a line with multiple segment, how to create a particular segment parallel to (or) Perpendicular to another feature using pyQgis?

  • I'ts not the solution, but I suggest you to read the code in CadTool plugin Commented Dec 16, 2014 at 11:55

1 Answer 1


It is a problem of analytical geometry and you can use vector algebra or the direction cosines, for example.

  • for perpendicular lines, a solution is given in How to draw perpendicular lines in QGIS?
  • for parallel lines, you can use the solution of Draw a parallel line (normalized offset)

    def pair(list):
        '''Iterate over pairs in a list -> iterate over pairs of segments of a line '''
        for i in range(1, len(list)):
            yield list[i-1], list[i]
    import math
    # original line
    layer = qgis.utils.iface.activeLayer()
    # iterate over segments of the line
    for elem in layer.getFeatures():  
         line = elem.geometry().asPolyline()
         for seg_start, seg_end in pair(line):
              x1,y1 = QgsPoint(seg_start)
              x2,y2 = QgsPoint(seg_end)
              length = math.sqrt(line_start.sqrDist(line_end))
              x1p = x1 + 1500 * ((y2-y1) / length)
              x2p = x2 + 1500 * ((y2-y1) / length)
              y1p = y1 + 1500 * ((x1-x2) / length)
              y2p = y2 + 1500 * ((x1-x2) / length)
              result= QgsGeometry.fromPolyline([ QgsPoint(x1p,y1p),QgsPoint(x2p,y2p)])

Result (original polyline in red, and if you preserve the original length of the segments, the resulting parallel segments, in green, intersects )

enter image description here

  • you can also use the direction cosines of the segments, starting from an original point: if the lines are parallels, they have the same orientation/direction (azimuth in PyQGIS):

    def cosdir(azim):
       az = math.radians(azim)
       cosa = math.sin(az)
       cosb = math.cos(az)
       return cosa,cosb
    # original point
    point = QgsPoint(147352.43, 94305.21)
    for elem in layer.getFeatures():  
    line = elem.geometry().asPolyline()
    for seg_start, seg_end in pair(line):
        line_start = QgsPoint(seg_start)
        line_end = QgsPoint(seg_end) 
        length = math.sqrt(line_start.sqrDist(line_end))
        # direction cosines from the azimuth
        cosa, cosb = cosdir(line_start.azimuth(line_end))  
        # generate the points  in the same direction    
        resulting_point = QgsPoint(point.x()+(length*cosa), point.y()+(length*cosb))
        result= QgsGeometry.fromPolyline([point,resulting_point])
        point = resulting_point

enter image description here

  • How did you get the red shifted line in azimuth case?
    – sagarr
    Commented May 13, 2019 at 5:39

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