I am trying to label spot elevation points. Here is what I currently have:

Label expression:

Function FindLabel ( [OBJECTID], [CVC_1_Z], [CVC_2_Z] )
  FindLabel = [OBJECTID] & " ELEV(CVC_07)=" & [CVC_1_Z] & " " & " ELEV(CVC_18)=" & [CVC_2_Z] 
End Function


spot elevations

How can I only label those points with non-zero Z values?


2 Answers 2


I've used this label expression with success when labeling elevations greater than zero:

def FindLabel([yourField]):
    if [yourField] is not None:
        if int([yourField]) > 0:
            return [yourField]
            return None
        return None

Using Python as the parser and checking the Advanced box.

Replace [yourField] with whatever field you are using to label.

I found this as an answer for a similar question: Expression labelling in ArcMap: Label only where value is > 1

  • Welcome to the site mf471. Although this contains a valuable link, it is preferable to convert this into a stand alone answer. More details here: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/8231/…
    – Aaron
    Commented Apr 3, 2015 at 17:46

Use the ArcMap Label Manager from the Labeling Toolbar

Choose the Label Class you're working with

Click the SQL Query button

Write a query to filter out features with an elevation of 0 (the features themselves will display, but the labels for those features will not)

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