I am working in ArcGIS and I have a 75 basin polygons and a point feature (called origin point) within each polygon. (Not necessarily in the centre of the polygons). I want to create 100 polygons inside the basin polygons ranging in distance from the origin from 1%, 2% etc through to 100% of the basin polygon. So the 1% polygon would have a boundary 1% of the way from the origin point. 100% polygon would be the original basin polygon.
I feel like there should be a function for this.
Inner buffers do not work as they are based on a distance rather than a percentage and do not take into account that I would like to 'shrink' the polygons back to the origin point.
I have seen people suggest QGIS but would this work if I want the polygons to 'shrink proportionately' back to a specific point?
I have tried:
- converting basin polygons to vertices.
- performing a near analysis to calculate distance of vertices to origin point and adding in X/Y coordinates
- Creating xy lines from origin to each vertice creating star like patterns.
- I have then split the lines by 100% and was going to convert to vertices and join the vertices to create new lines.
The issue is that because the basin polygons are not regular the lines sometimes exit the polygon and reenter making this method not work.
I am hoping to do this without coding.