I'm developing a very simple QGIS plugin to calculate raster average by using GDAL. It uses a QgsMapLayerComboBox and a filter to select only raster layers. However, it needs to select twice a layer at the Combo Box to produce the expected results. The snipped code is:
def initGui(self):
"""Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI."""
icon_path = ':/plugins/AverageRaster/AverageRaster.png'
text=self.tr(u'To calculate raster average'),
self.wcb = QgsMapLayerComboBox(self.dlg)
self.wcb.setFilters( QgsMapLayerProxyModel.RasterLayer )
def run(self):
"""Run method that performs all the real work"""
#My code starts here
layer = self.wcb.currentLayer()
# Run the dialog event loop
result = self.dlg.exec_()
# See if OK was pressed
if result:
# Do something useful here - delete the line containing pass and
# substitute with your code.
#My code starts here
message = "the raster average of " + filename + " is = " + str(average)
QMessageBox.information(None, "Raster Average", message)
#My code ends here
At the next image, my Plugin is determining the average of ndvi.tif raster. If I want the average of utah_demUTM2.tif, the expected value is obtained only at the second chance. How can I get the average at the first selection of a layer at the QgsMapLayerComboBox.
Afterward that I tried out a lot of possibilities, I found a possible solution but, I don't like it very much because I have to click on icon plugin again and not on a OK button.
At the 'Property Editor' of Qt Designer, I unmarked the 'OK' button and I modified the label "Click on OK to get raster average" for this one: "Click on plugin icon again to get raster average".
After reloaded the plugin, I observed that the order in the Combo Box was alphabetic.
When I selected anyone of these layers (see above image) and I clicked on icon plugin, its behavior was always as expected and the principal Dialog never closed.
I changed the QMessageBox for a QTextBrowser and put again the OK button at the widget Dialog. In this case, I could observe that the QgsMapLayerComboBox has the expected behavior when I select the raster layer. The problem is when I clicked on the OK buttom. The Dialog was closed and I need to launch the plugin again to see the results. It is possible to keep the window Dialog open when the OK button is clicked?