I'm using ArcMap 10.3. I'm trying to select by attributes different values from two columns.
I want to define the areas where
- Main rock is GRAVEL And
- Sub-rocks are :
a. mudstone tephra loess
b- sand mud
c- ...
d- ...
e- sand mud peat
I have tried to do it as shown below
"MAIN_ROCK" = 'gravel' AND "SUB_ROCKS" = 'sandstone siltstone mudstone limestone silt lignite' AND "SUB_ROCKS" = 'mudstone tephra loess' AND "SUB_ROCKS"= 'sandstone mudstone tephra silt lignite' AND "SUB_ROCKS" = 'sand mud peat' AND "SUB_ROCKS" ='sand mud'
After I clicked on apply, nothing was highlighted.
Any idea how can I do this?