I have made a tile pyramid of a number of Dutch topographical maps using gdal2tiles
. This gives apart from the tiles openlayers.html
and tilemapresource.xml
. The openlayers shows perfectly and correctly aligned with respect with the osm layer in a browser.
However, I would like to view them as a layer in QGIS. I have tried various things but to no avail. The nearest thing to something was using the tip in display tiles with no plugin inside QGIS. The example xml in web page works but when changing the server into file:///pdok/top25tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
I get an inconsistently colored screen. (I changed the projection to EPSG:3785 both in gdal2tiles.py
and in the xml)
The gdal2tiles line is e.g.:
gdal2tiles3785.py -z 15 /pdok/TOP25raster_GEOTIFF/32-top25raster-2013.tif /pdok/top25tiles
QGIS is 2.4.0, GDAL is 1.11.2, Ubunto is 15.04