I'm trying to use Python to take csv files and use them to update (or replace) tables in Fusion Tables. I found the "Python client library for Fusion Tables" on googles' site and downloaded them as well as the two required dependencies:
- python-oauth2 library: http://github.com/simplegeo/python-oauth2
- python-oauth2 dependency, httplib2: http://code.google.com/p/httplib2/
I've installed all three on python 2.7 like required and just can't seem to figure out how to actually get it to work. I've even tried to get their samples to work with no luck either. At this point let me say that I'm not a programmer and don't know python. However, I can grasp it enough (and look at and modify code) pretty well though and used python to write the scripts that export from SDE to shapefiles, then convert the shapefiles to KML using GDAL and then convert the KML to CSV using elementtree.
Does anybody know of a good resource to look at for help in doing what I'm trying to do? All I can find online is a few people saying they did it, with no explanation, and a ton of links to the google code (which has no documentation)
Thanks in advance, Adam