Data: Zipped ea.ml1
shapefile can be found here, and the country outline can be downloaded here at the GADM site. I've been using the Ethiopia ESRI shapefile. Branch locations are here.
I have a country shapefile with differently symbolized levels in it (identified as ML1 attributes [expressed as values 1-3] in my code, originally from ea.ml1
object; ultimately ends up as eth.clip.prj
). On top of these different ML1 values, I have plotted different branch office locations (branches
; reprojected and clipped as branch.clip.prj
). The code and map output are below:
#read in ML and Ethiopia shapefiles
ea.ml1 <- readOGR(dsn = "D:/Mapping-R/Ethiopia", layer = "EA201507_ML1")
eth <- readOGR(dsn = "D:/Mapping-R/Ethiopia", layer = "ETH_adm0")
#remove all unwanted columns from eth shapefile
eth <- eth[, -(5:67)]
#clip ethiopia to ml1
eth.clip <- intersect(ea.ml1, eth)
#reproject admin boundary and clipped polygons
eth.prj <- spTransform(eth, CRS("+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=-23 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=25 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"))
eth.clip.prj <- spTransform(eth.clip, CRS("+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=-23 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=25 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"))
#define color scheme for ml1 features
eth.clip.prj@data$COLOR[eth.clip.prj@data$ML1== 1] <- "gray"
eth.clip.prj@data$COLOR[eth.clip.prj@data$ML1== 2] <- "yellow"
eth.clip.prj@data$COLOR[eth.clip.prj@data$ML1== 3] <- "orange"
eth.clip.prj@data$COLOR[eth.clip.prj@data$ML1== 4] <- "red"
#read in total branch location csv
branches <- read.csv("Branches_Africa.csv", header = TRUE)
#deselect branches without shares
branches <- branches[branches$share != " . ", ]
#transform branches data frame to spdf for mapping
coordinates(branches) <- ~Lon + Lat
#set initial projection info, Albers equal area
proj4string(branches) = CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
branches.prj <- spTransform(branches, CRS("+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=-23 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=25 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"))
#clip eth.clip to branches
branch.clip.prj <- intersect(branches.prj, eth.clip.prj)
#select city to draw buffer around <- branch.clip.prj[branch.clip.prj$City == "Addis Ababa", ]
#draw buffer (distance in meters)
br.buffer <- gBuffer(, width = 250000)
#plot clipped ml1, eth admin overlay, branch overlay, buffer overlay
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) #set plot margins
plot(eth.clip.prj, col = eth.clip.prj@data$COLOR, border = NA)
plot(eth.prj, border = "#828485", lwd = 1.75, add = TRUE)
points(branch.clip.prj$Lon, branch.clip.prj$Lat, col = "blue", pch = 16, cex = .25)
plot(br.buffer, col = alpha("green", 0.25), add = TRUE)
For now we can ignore the buffer. What I'm interested in is counting which points (branch.clip.prj
) exist within each ML1 level of eth.clip.prj
. To achieve this in QGIS, I use the "join attributes by location" tool, which outputs a new shapefile + attribute table that neatly lists all of the objects and features of the branches AND the ML1 values that were pulled from the eth.clip.prj
From what I've gathered, to count the points within each polygon, I use sp::over
, listing first my points, then the shapefile.
test <- over(branch.clip.prj, eth.clip.prj)
This appears to work, but only gives me the attributes from the eth.clip.prj
1 1 74 ETH Ethiopia ETHIOPIA gray
2 2 74 ETH Ethiopia ETHIOPIA yellow
3 2 74 ETH Ethiopia ETHIOPIA yellow
4 3 74 ETH Ethiopia ETHIOPIA orange
5 1 74 ETH Ethiopia ETHIOPIA gray
6 3 74 ETH Ethiopia ETHIOPIA orange
I need the attributes from branch.clip.prj
included so that I can ultimately create a CSV that reflects all of the data (so, in this case, all of the branch office data + which ML1 zone each office falls into). I figure I can add these attributes manually as follows, but with 5-10 different attributes in branch.clip.prj
, it seems clunky:
test$City <- branch.clip.prj$City
test$share <- branch.clip.prj$share
#add for all needed attributes, etc.
Sorry this got a bit wordy. So, my ultimate question is: how can I efficiently keep all of the data from my point objects when I aggregate them by polygons with the sp::over function?
in some way?raster::intersect
rather thansp::over
? Sheesh, as soon as I seem to figure out one problem in R, it gives me 3 more! Hats off to all of you R mapping aficionados. :)