I've been given a data extract that appears to be from an ESRI server, and I think is meant to be map tiles (e.g. from a tile cache server).
I don't know enough about ESRI products to identify which one it comes from, and the timing (summer break in this hemisphere) is bad for asking the originator.
The directory structure looks like this:
├── _alllayers
├── L00
│ ├── R0000C0000.bundle
│ └── R0000C0000.bundlx
... More "Lnn" directories here, down to L14, with more files in lower levels
├── conf.cdi
├── Conf.xml
└── Status.gdb
├── a00000001.gdbindexes
├── a00000001.gdbtable
├── a00000001.gdbtablx
├── a00000001.TablesByName.atx
├── a00000002.gdbtable
├── a00000002.gdbtablx
├── a00000003.gdbindexes
├── a00000003.gdbtable
├── a00000003.gdbtablx
├── a00000004.CatItemsByPhysicalName.atx
├── a00000004.CatItemsByType.atx
├── a00000004.FDO_UUID.atx
├── a00000004.gdbindexes
├── a00000004.gdbtable
├── a00000004.gdbtablx
├── a00000004.spx
├── a00000005.CatItemTypesByName.atx
├── a00000005.CatItemTypesByParentTypeID.atx
├── a00000005.CatItemTypesByUUID.atx
├── a00000005.gdbindexes
├── a00000005.gdbtable
├── a00000005.gdbtablx
├── a00000006.CatRelsByDestinationID.atx
├── a00000006.CatRelsByOriginID.atx
├── a00000006.CatRelsByType.atx
├── a00000006.FDO_UUID.atx
├── a00000006.gdbindexes
├── a00000006.gdbtable
├── a00000006.gdbtablx
├── a00000007.CatRelTypesByBackwardLabel.atx
├── a00000007.CatRelTypesByDestItemTypeID.atx
├── a00000007.CatRelTypesByForwardLabel.atx
├── a00000007.CatRelTypesByName.atx
├── a00000007.CatRelTypesByOriginItemTypeID.atx
├── a00000007.CatRelTypesByUUID.atx
├── a00000007.gdbindexes
├── a00000007.gdbtable
├── a00000007.gdbtablx
├── a00000009.gdbindexes
├── a00000009.gdbtable
├── a00000009.gdbtablx
├── a00000009.spx
├── a0000000a.gdbindexes
├── a0000000a.gdbtable
├── a0000000a.gdbtablx
├── a0000000a.spx
├── a0000000b.gdbindexes
├── a0000000b.gdbtable
├── a0000000b.gdbtablx
├── a0000000b.spx
├── a0000000c.bundleNameIndex.atx
├── a0000000c.gdbindexes
├── a0000000c.gdbtable
├── a0000000c.gdbtablx
├── a0000000c.jobIDIndex.atx
├── a0000000c.scaleIndex.atx
├── a0000000c.spx
├── gdb
└── timestamps
I'd like to be able to serve this data up in a TMS or (less preferred) WMTS format. Failing those two, WMS would also be OK.
Is there an open-source server that can take this format and serve it up directly? If not, is there an open source conversion tool that can convert it into a "normal" format (mbtiles, geopackage, or an on-disk directory structure) that can then be ingested into an open-source server?
I've tried pointing gdalinfo at some of the more likely looking files, but it resulted in gdalinfo failed - unable to open
files, but I'm not aware of any way to extract it, other than as an ArcGIS for Server map service.