I am developing a QGIS plugin that allows me to draw QgsPoints on a vector layer. When drawing, I toggle QGIS's edit mode. In some cases, the last drawn point needs to be deleted. In order to do this, I need to retrieve the feature id of the last drawn feature while the edit mode is toggled.

Unhappily, I am unable to do so. I've been searching for a solution and found nothing so far :

In order to draw, I've developed a FeatureDrawingPoint class, inheriting from QgsMapTool. I draw on a QgsRubberBand that does not give me any access to the ID of the feature I'm drawing.

Any ideas?


1 Answer 1


This post is a duplicate to this post : How to find the id of the last added feature using pyQGIS?

The answer is the exact same one. Very sorry!

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