I'm trying to create 50 sets of random point shapefiles in 37 different folders for a total of 1,850 random point shapefiles. However, upon running the script only a handful of sets are actually random. For example, out of 50 sets the first 9 would all be identical, then the next 8 would all be identical, and the next 9 would be identical etc. The function successfully creates a random point file but for some reason makes the exact same file for the next several iterations. Below is my Arcpy script.
for x in range(4,41):
... for y in range(1,51):
... arcpy.CreateRandomPoints_management(filename,str(x)+"kmran"+str(y),"polygonboundary","",157,"","POINT","")
I'm unaware if this is a known bug in either the random point generator tool or arcpy. I'm using ArcGIS 10.3.1.
EDIT: Just to be clear this happens regardless of how many runs or points I generate.
SOLVED THE PROBLEM! Turns out that I wasn't giving ArcGIS's random point generator algorithm enough time to create a new set of shapefiles. I threw in a time.sleep(2) at the end of the 2nd loop to add a 2 second delay beteween each file generation and it worked and generated all unique files!