I have numerous very large data sets of ship tracking data (Automated Information System; AIS). These are originally in a file geodatabase and can be downloaded here (this is a smaller file for testing purposes). After reading in the file using readOGR
, I subset the data by attributes and then into latitudinal bands like this (warning - file is large and takes a while to download and read in. You will also need ReadFGDB driver support in your version of rgdal
# Libraries
download.file("https://coast.noaa.gov/htdata/CMSP/AISDataHandler/2014/01/Zone9_2014_01.zip", "temp_file.zip")
unzip("temp_file.zip", exdir="temp")
broadcast <- readOGR("temp/Zone9_2014_01.gdb", layer = "Zone9_2014_01_Broadcast")
# Remove unneeded fields
broadcast@data <- broadcast@data[,c("SOG", "BaseDateTime", "Status", "VoyageID", "MMSI")]
# Subset the data
broadcast <- broadcast[broadcast@data$SOG>0.5,] # remove all points w speed <0.5
broadcast <- broadcast[broadcast@data$Status==0 | broadcast@data$Status==7 | broadcast@data$Status==8,] # remove all points at anchor
# Split data set into 4 regions
coords <- coordinates(broadcast)[,2]
chnks <- list()
chnks[[1]] <- broadcast[which(coords<=37),]
chnks[[2]] <- broadcast[which(coords>37 & coords<=40),]
chnks[[3]] <- broadcast[which(coords>40 & coords<=44),]
chnks[[4]] <- broadcast[which(coords>44),]
Now chnks
is a list with four SPtsDFs which I want to clip with a polygon, EEZ. (EEZ is the US West Coast Exclusive Economic zone). I'll substitute a simple polygon for EEZ here:
EEZ <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(cbind(c(-117, -122, -129, -129, -124, -124, -117),c(32, 30, 39, 47, 49, 39, 32)), hole=F)), "EEZ")))
If I use lapply
to do spatial subset on chnks, it works fine:
chunked <- lapply(chnks, FUN = function(x){
# Clip the AIS points to EEZ
return(x[EEZ, ])
But if I try to use parLapply
, it fails with an error:
# create cluster
cluster <- makeCluster(4, outfile = "")
clusterExport(cl=cluster, varlist = "EEZ")
chunked <- parLapply(cl = cluster, chnks, fun = function(x){
# Clip the AIS points to EEZ
return(x[EEZ, ])
4 nodes produced errors; first error: object of type 'S4' is not subsettable
It seems like the sp
method for [
(which references points[!is.na(over(points, geometry(polygons))),]
according to this post) is not being loaded to the workers.
Does anyone have an idea how to avoid this error or explicitly export the sp
method to the parallel clusters?
I also tried using plyr
and llply()
with .parallel = T
and got the same failure message. I would also note that the sp
package seems to load fine on all of the workers, which I would think should allow the [
subsetting method for spatial objects.