The world file format indicates the Northing and Easting values, the last two lines, should be UTM.
Conversion would depend on what software you're using. You indicate MATLAB, so this m-script at the File Exchange would probably work for you:
function utm2latlong(source,output,tfwFlag,zone,varargin)
%UTM2LATLONG - converts a tiff file from UTM coordinates into a Lat/Long
% This tool converts a UTM GeoTIFF, or tiff with corresponding UTM world
% file, into a Lat/Long GeoTIFF. This function does not require any of
% MATLAB's Mapping Toolbox functions. It uses MATLAB's base functions to
% rewrite the file in the Lat/Long projection. The source tiff file is read
% in and a new GeoTIFF is created with the geographic directory
% information.
% However, this function does utilize a few functions currently found on
% MATLAB's File Exchange website (see Required Subfunctions). You should be
% able to search and download these functions on the File Exchange website
% and then run this tool.
% Required Subfunctions:
% geotiffwrite.m by Jimmy Shen (File ID: #27959)
% utm2ell.m by Mike Craymer (included in his Geodetic Toolbox #15285)
% rad2deg.m by Mike Craymer (included in his Geodetic Toolbox #15285)
% Inputs:
% source - string; path to source GeoTiff
% output - string; path to output GeoTiff
% tfwFlag - logical; indicates whether an accompanying world file is
% located in the same directory
% zone - scalar; UTM zone (e.g. 4 to indicate Oahu)
% x_pixel - scalar; pixel scaling in the x-direction
% y_pixel - scalar; pixel scaling in the y-direction (almost always negative)
% Easting - scalar; Easting (upper left corner)
% Northing - scalar; Northing (upper left corner)
% Usage:
% utm2latlong(source,output,tfwFlag,zone,[x_pixel,y_pixel,Easting,Northing])
% Example:
% Consider the NOAA landsat GeoTiff for Oahu found on the following website:
% It's projection is in UTM coordinates. It has a corresponding .tfw
% world file. The following converts the file to a Lat/Long GeoTiff:
% source = 'C:\GIS\OAHU\oahu.tif';
% output = 'C:\GIS\LatLong\oahu_LL.tif';
% tfwFlag = 1; % .tfw file included
% zone = 4;
% utm2latlong(source,output,tfwFlag,zone);
% Ver. 1.0
% July 23, 2012
% NOTE: MATLAB's imread function does not read in the coordinate
% information from geotiff files. Thus, a corresponding world file (.tfw)
% must accompany the .tif file or you must know the information (x_pixel,
% y_pixel, Easting, Northing).
if nargin < 4
disp('Not enough input arguments. Type help utm2latlong for more information.')
%% Get data from .tif and .tfw files
Info = imfinfo(source);
data = imread(source);
if tfwFlag
% Load .tfw world file
source_tfw = [source(1:end-3) 'tfw'];
world_file_data = load(source_tfw);
% From .tfw world file, we know the pixel scaling and UTM coordinates
x_pixel = world_file_data(1); % pixel scale in x-direction
rot1 = world_file_data(2); % rotation about y-axis
rot2 = world_file_data(3); % rotation about x-axis
y_pixel = world_file_data(4); % pixel scale in y-direction
E1 = world_file_data(5); % Easting (upper left pixel)
N1 = world_file_data(6); % Northing (upper left pixel)
% Check the number of input arguments
if nargin ~= 8
disp(['The number of inputs does not match what was expected. ',...
'Type help utm2latlong for more information.'])
% Read data from input
x_pixel = varargin(1);
y_pixel = varargin(2);
E1 = varargin(3);
N1 = varargin(4);
% Check that there is no rotation
if (rot1 ~= 0) || (rot2 ~= 0)
disp('Rotation detected in the .tfw file. Rotations are not supported.')
%% Calculate extent of the image in UTM coordinates
E2 = E1 + x_pixel*Info.Width;
N2 = N1 + y_pixel*Info.Height;
% Convert to lat/long
[lat1,long1] = utm2ell(N1,E1,zone);
lat1 = rad2deg(lat1);
long1 = rad2deg(long1);
[lat2,long2] = utm2ell(N2,E2,zone);
lat2 = rad2deg(lat2);
long2 = rad2deg(long2);
%% Create geotiff file
% (We could use the make_option GUI that comes with the geotiffwrite.m file,
% but to save time this has already been done. The data below is the output
% from calling make_option.)
% [option bbox] = make_option([long1, lat2; long2, lat1]);
bbox = [long1, lat2; long2, lat1];
option.GTModelTypeGeoKey = 2; % Geographic latitude-longitude System
option.GTRasterTypeGeoKey = 1; % Raster pixel is area
option.GeographicTypeGeoKey = 4326; % Geographic Coordinate System - WGS84
option.GTCitationGeoKey = 'Created using the geotiffwrite.m matlab function';
option.FullColor = 1;
geotiffwrite(output, bbox, data, 16, option)
disp(['File saved to: ',output]);
(Code included in case the link goes stale. Full credit to the author Kyle Mayer. Code license)