I built a small Openlayers/GeoServer application. I'm trying to change the size of the LayerSwitcher
icon "+" (right) and the one of the standard zoom icon (left). I tried to modify CSS but can't increase theirs sizes in order that they could be used easily when displayed on the screen of a mobile phone where they are very small.
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2 Answers
For zoom I'd recommend using the new Zoom control, whose UI can be customized using CSS. See http://dev.openlayers.org/apidocs/files/OpenLayers/Control/Zoom-js.html and http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/zoom.html. This control is not in the current stable release (2.11). It is in the development branch and will be available in the next release.
Take a look to the TouchNavigation control which is specially designed for mobiles: