I have recently started working in QGIS. I need to select multiple features loaded in map canvas one by one. To select a feature in addition to the selected features in the map canvas, I need to hold the 'CTRL' key. Is there settings options available in QGIS so that I can configure the 'Add to current selection' without holding the 'CTRL' key?
Duplicate of this older post, which has some filtering alternatives to the control key but no answer like the "add to current selection" feature.– Nate WannerCommented Nov 10, 2016 at 0:24
I have already seen that post @NateWanner. I need to know whether we can modify the selection settings such that the newly selected feature will add to the current selection (without holding the CTRL key)– KarthikeyanCommented Nov 10, 2016 at 5:53
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1 Answer
I don't think there is a setting to keep adding features to a selection without holding a modifier key.
That said, in 2.18, holding Shift adds features, while Ctrl removes features for me.