I have heard that I can use a vrt file to merge multiple geotiffs into one?
what is the syntax?
gdal_tranlsate -of VRT file1.tif file2.tif file2.tif
Something like this?
No, you need to use gdalbuildvrt The instructions on the page are pretty clear, but to save you a mouse click, one of the examples is:
gdalbuildvrt doq_index.vrt doq/*.tif
More specifically to merge multiple tifs in one directory.
gdalbuildvrt out.vrt *.tif
gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs epsg:900913 in.vrt out.tif
gdalbuildvrt will build a virtual vrt file with all your individual .tif files, but if you want to convert the .vrt back into a big single .tif file, you need to use gdal_translate.