So I have one layerA with CRS:4326 and I can change CRS saving it:
# This layer has crs:4346
layerA = QgsVectorLayer("layerA.sqlite", "layerA", "ogr")
#New crs
crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem("epsg:32629")
#saving layerA to layerB with new crs:32629
error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(layerA, "layerB.sqlite", "UTF-8", crs, "SpatiaLite")
With this code I can get a new LayerB with another CRS
I have read this:
But I think this solution need to iterate over every feature to reproject it.
Is there any solution to reproject a layer with only one instruction (like when saving it) but without need to create a new layer?
Something like layerA.reproject(newCRS)