I am trying to convert from lat/long to xy in Israel Grid 05/12:
links https://epsg.io/6991 (https://epsg.io/6991.gml)
I tried this :
p = pyproj.Proj("+init=ESPG:6991")
using python package pyproj but it is not defined yet.
File "_proj.pyx", line 84, in _proj.Proj.__cinit__ (_proj.c:1170)
RuntimeError: no system list, errno: 2
What is the proj code or definition string to use instead (perhaps in the format like the previous network?
+proj=tmerc +lat_0=31.73439361111111 +lon_0=35.20451694444445 +k=1.0000067 +x_0=219529.584 +y_0=626907.39 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=-48,55,52,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
with the same parameters as in your string, except that+towgs84
is missing. The official EPSG registry has no datum shift transformation for it either. I guess these values are only valid for the old Israel 1993 CRS.