I have 17 location points here in Iceland: weatherstation points.
It's a 10-year, month-to-month, composite of temperature values for each station which means 120 values for each station. 2040 values overall. Since I only have 17 station I only have 17 values visible on my map.
What I want to do is interpolate these points to create a temperature map for the area and I want to be able to compare them, f.i. compare june for every year and make a map of that - compare june-sep for each year - compare december for 5 of those 10 years etc. I basically want to be able to compare what I want.
The distance between each point varies but the area is fairly small so only a few kilometers between stations.
When the interpolation is done I hope to be able to do a time animation from the data.
This is a school project. I am attending The University of Iceland.
So, which method should I use and how?
Thanks in advance.
Einar Ingi