I try to set up an OSM tile server using tirex on a server running Ubuntu server 16.04 LTS 64-bit. In the style definition (opentopomap.xml) there are several gdal data sources definied. E.g. the following color relief layer:
<Layer name="relief-5000">
<Parameter name="type">gdal</Parameter>
<Parameter name="file">dem/relief-5000.tif</Parameter>
<Parameter name="format">tiff</Parameter>
At the relative path to the style-file (dem/relief-5000.tif) I have the tiff file with the following access rights:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 postgres postgres 8866 Feb 5 01:29 relief-5000.tif*
My tirex user is in the postgres group and should be able to read the layer's file
uid=112(tirex) gid=119(tirex) groups=119(tirex),118(postgres)
But when I start tirex and check /var/log/daemon.log I get the following error message:
Feb 5 10:27:23 ubuntu-server tirex-backend-mapnik[4739]:
Renderer started (name=mapnik)
Feb 5 10:27:23 ubuntu-server tirex-backend-mapnik[4739]:
cannot add /etc/tirex/renderer/mapnik/opentopomap.conf
Feb 5 10:27:23 ubuntu-server tirex-backend-mapnik[4739]:
Could not create datasource for type: 'gdal'
(no datasource plugin directories have been successfully registered)
encountered during parsing of layer 'relief-5000' in Layer at line 24 of
I have installed the packages gdal-bin python-gdal libgdal-dev. Is there any special configuration for gdal datasources required or a possibility to get more fine grained log-messages to estimate the reason, why this datasource file cannot be accessed?