I have received the following file in this text format:

MULTILINESTRING((2513867.8515 5705794.4561,2512855.6784 5704240.0825,2511809.1121 5703060.1461,2507509.94
5707454.24,2513997.8033 5709971.3078,2513910.69 5709088.41,2513867.8515 5705794.4561)) 

How can I read this file and is there a way to convert coordinates from one projection to another using QGIS.

  • 1
    You have Well Known Text (WKT). Install WKT plugin for QGIS, create a new layer, paste WKT into layer, save as shapefile.
    – user30184
    Commented Feb 10, 2017 at 12:20
  • Welcome to gis.stackexchange! Please note that a good question on this site is expected to show some degree of research on your part, i.e. what you have tried and - if applicable - code so far. For more info, you can check our faq.
    – underdark
    Commented Feb 10, 2017 at 18:10

1 Answer 1


You can use Qgis for this. Layer -> add layer -> add delimited text layer

WKT to point

Then select Geometry definition as Well known text (WKT). Select first column as X and another as Y. That should creates you point layer i am not sure if it creates multiline too. If not just use Convert points to line(s) from SAGA toolbox.


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