I'm trying to set label on polygon and line layer using PyQGIS. Setting label on polygon layer succeed, but fails on line layer.

Here my script :

        #Set polygon layer
        palyr = QgsPalLayerSettings()
        palyr.enabled = True  # this works
        palyr.fieldName = 'no_urut'  # this works
        palyr.fontSizeInMapUnits = False
        palyr.textFont.setPointSize(6)  # results in 4 - seems to be integer only
        palyr.textColor = QColor(0, 0, 0)  # this works

        #set label line layer
        palyr3 = QgsPalLayerSettings()
        palyr3.enabled = True  # this works
        palyr3.fieldName = 'nama_jalan'  # this works
        palyr3.fontSizeInMapUnits = False
        palyr3.textFont.setPointSize(11)  # results in 4 - seems to be integer only
        palyr3.textColor = QColor(0, 0, 255)  # this works
        palyr3.placementFlags = QgsPalLayerSettings.AboveLine

Any ideas ?, btw when I load it and check on the layer properties, the label has been set according to the properties in the script above and, when I push the apply button on this properties window, the label appears on the canvas.

1 Answer 1


There is probably a mistake in the syntax for QgsPalLayerSettings().

You may try to write this:

palyr3.placement = QgsPalLayerSettings.AboveLine

instead of:

palyr3.placementFlags = QgsPalLayerSettings.AboveLine

Furthermore, you should add this line at the end of the code:


With these edits, you should use this code (it worked for me):

palyr3 = QgsPalLayerSettings()
palyr3.enabled = True  # this works
palyr3.fieldName = 'nama_jalan'  # this works
palyr3.fontSizeInMapUnits = False
palyr3.textFont.setPointSize(11)  # results in 4 - seems to be integer only
palyr3.textColor = QColor(0, 0, 255)  # this works
palyr3.placement = QgsPalLayerSettings.AboveLine

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