I want to use the gdal.Warp
method with python (doc). I have seen a cutlineSQL
option which would be nice for my case since cutlines are stored in a PostGIS table but I can not find the syntax for this parameter.
How to tell gdal which database connection to use?
Or maybe I misunderstood the meaning of this parameter?
How to provide a cutline to Warp
method then?
option not presented in the warp tutorial neither.
What I have so far :
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo.gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly
# input dataset
dataset = gdal.OpenShared(path, GA_ReadOnly)
raster = dataset.GetRasterBand(1)
# warp options
db_conn = """PG:"host=xx.xx.xx.xx port=5432 user='xxxx' password='xxxx' dbname='xxxx'" """
warp_opts = gdal.WarpOptions(
cutlineSQL="SELECT cutline FROM table WHERE id_1",
# warp
res = gdal.Warp("test.tif",
Producing the error :
ERROR 1: PQconnectdb failed.
invalid connection option ""host"
ERROR 1: Cannot open PG:"host=xx.xx.xx.xx port=5432 user='xxx' password=XXXXXXXXXX dbname='xxxx'" .
While ogrinfo with the same paramters is working.
If I try to remove some quotes in db_conn
like this :
db_conn = "PG:host=xx.xx.xx.xx port=5432 user='xxxx' password='xxxx' dbname='xxxx'"
I end up with a seg fault...