I'm working with Leaflet maps in Shiny for R. I'm producing a map with some markers on it. When I use addTiles ()
for my base map, everything works as expected. However with addProviderTiles ()
, the markers don't appear on the map. Only after I trigger an action that causes them to be redrawn, they show up as I would expect them.
This doesn't seem to be mentioned in the vignettes, so I'm not sure if it's a bug or I'm missing some parameter options.
I made a reproducible example. If you run it as is, the markers will appear normally. If you comment line 13 and uncomment line 14, the markers won't work initially. I added an observer ()
that redraws the markers when you click on the map.
ui <- bootstrapPage (
leafletOutput("map", width="80%", height="800px"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
print ("render tiles")
b <- bbox (breweries91)
leaflet (breweries91) %>%
addTiles () %>%
# addProviderTiles (providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
fitBounds (b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4])
observe ({
print ("make markers")
leafletProxy ("map", data = breweries91) %>%
addAwesomeMarkers ()
cl <- input$map_click
if (!is.null (cl))
print ("click")
shinyApp (ui, server)
Edit software versions:
- Ubuntu: 16.04.2
- Mozilla Firefox 52.0.1
- R: 3.3.3
- leaflet: 1.1.0
- shiny: 1.0.0
to theserver
function. I tried runing it in Window and External (RStudio 1.0.136) an everything seems to work fine. I'm using leaflet 1.1.0, shiny 1.0.0, sp 1.2-4.renderLeaflet
, the entire map has to be reloaded if the markers change. That's why they need to be placed in the observer.leaflet
version 1.1.0 andshiny