I am new in GIS programming, I have to created a geoportail with the Configurable Map Viewer (CMV). I want to add my KML layers but they don't appear in the map. Below is the part of my code

operationalLayers: [{
            type: 'kml',
            url: "http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/ban/MapServer/",
            title: 'banques',
            options: {
                id: 'libelle',
                opacity: 1.0,
                visible: true,
                outFields: ["*"],
                mode: 0
            editorLayerInfos: {
                disableGeometryUpdate: false
            legendLayerInfos: {
                exclude: false,
                layerInfo: {
                    title: 'My layer'
  }, {
            type: 'kml',
            url:    'http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/ban/MapServer',
            title: 'Region Rabat Sale',
            options: {
                id: 'key',
                opacity: 1.0,
                visible: true,
                mode: 0


1 Answer 1


The url you've shown in your code is not for kml. It is for an ArcGIS Server MapServer. If that is the source of the data, you should use type: 'dynamic'.


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