I'm experiencing an issue in counting and aggregate a set of points by one of their features (in this case the "group") that are contained in a polygon.
I have a table extracted from a csv that is like this into a table :
csv (
id integer,
group character varying,
lat float,
long float
id | group | lat | long |
1 | A | ... | ... |
2 | A | ... | ... |
3 | C | ... | ... |
4 | C | ... | ... |
5 | D | ... | ... |
6 | B | ... | ... |
and I have also a table with a set of adjacent polygons that should contain some of the points.
boundary (
gid integer,
geom geometry(POLYGON,4326)
gid | geom |
1 | polygon(...) |
2 | polygon(...) |
3 | polygon(...) |
My intention is to create a "stats" table with contained the details of how many points are "inside" / "outside" the merged polygons and aggregate these points by "group"
stats (
s_id integer,
group character varying,
inside integer,
outside integer
s_id | group | inside | outside |
1 | A | ... | ... |
2 | B | ... | ... |
3 | C | ... | ... |
4 | D | ... | ... |
WHAT I DID (wrong)
just for the "inside" column
UPDATE stats
SET inside = agg.total
--- get the *group* name and count all the *points*
SELECT points.group, count ( points.geom ) total
--- Creating the Points from the *CSV* table
SELECT group, ST_SetSRID(St_Point(long,lat), 4326) geom
FROM csv
) AS points,
--- merge all the bounduaries together
SELECT ST_SetSRID(St_Union(geom), 4326) geom
FROM bounduaries
) AS bounduary
--- check wich point is inside the bounduary
WHERE St_Within(points.geom,bounduary.geom)
--- group each selected point by it group
GROUP BY points.group
) agg
--- update according the group
WHERE stats.group = agg.group
when I'm running this full query the server continues to run like a sort of infinite loop, but if I'm running a small part of it I'm getting results in few seconds. There are a couple of millions of points, but all the previews task that I did were performed pretty fast.
Where I'm doing it wrong? Someone, could explain it to me?
Update on stats (cost=107640.76..107661.08 rows=11 width=124)
-> Hash Join (cost=107640.76..107661.08 rows=11 width=124)
Hash Cond: (stats.group = (agg.group)::bpchar)
-> Seq Scan on stats (cost=0.00..17.40 rows=740 width=82)
-> Hash (cost=107640.73..107640.73 rows=3 width=44)
-> Subquery Scan on agg (cost=107640.67..107640.73 rows=3 width=44)
-> HashAggregate (cost=107640.67..107640.70 rows=3 width=18)
-> Nested Loop (cost=10.45..105221.63 rows=241903 width=18)
-> Seq Scan on csv (cost=0.00..60024.78 rows=1562678 width=0)
-> Nested Loop (cost=10.45..29570.08 rows=1 width=18)
" Join Filter: ((st_setsrid(st_point(lng,lat), 4326) && (st_setsrid(st_union((geom)::geometry), 4326))) AND _st_contains((st_setsrid(st_union((geom)::geometry), 4326)), st_setsrid(st_point(lng,lat), 4326)))"
-> Seq Scan on csv (cost=0.00..4249.80 rows=92880 width=18)
-> Aggregate (cost=10.45..10.46 rows=1 width=32)
-> Seq Scan on bounduary (cost=0.00..10.30 rows=30 width=32)