I am traveling to Costa Rica and would like to use Collector with my cell phone to record some information in a feature class. I would like to find some 1m or better imagery to put in a web map that could be synced for offline use.

Does anyone have suggestions for Costa Rica imagery that is publicly available?

Also, is it possible to publish OpenStreetMap as a vector tile package for the same offline use?


1 Answer 1


As commented by @RussRoberts:

The current release of Collector does not support vector tile packages. If you have vector data you can create just a tile package and side load that into Collector or Publish it as a tile layer and have it support Export Tiles(same for imagery). Here are the esri provided basemaps http://www.arcgis.com/home/group.html?id=3a890be7a4b046c7840dc4a0446c5b31&start=1&view=list&sortOrder=asc&sortField=title#content

and in a second comment by the same user:

When you download in collector you can specify an extent before downloading but there is a tile export limit. You might want to chunk it up into different zones and have collector download a general "master zone" and the basemap switcher will show all offline basemaps that are within your downloaded extent so you can hit different lower levels.

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