I have a list of data points given in lon/lat coordinates, which I want to convert to cartesian ones using pyproj. My dataset refers to Italy, so I was considering using either the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection or the Albers Conic Equal Area one. For now I am trying out the former, but since I am not very familiar with coordinate systems, I have run into a basic question with respect to the definition of the datum, ellipsoid and earth radius.
According to what I understand so far, each ellipsoid has a standard radius value. For instance, for the WGS84 ellipsoid the radius is R=6378137. However, when I specify both the ellipsoid and R value in pyproj.proj, I get different coordinates compared to when I only define the ellipsoid.
from pyproj import Proj, transform, Geod
import numpy as np
lambert_aea1 = {'proj': 'laea',
'ellps': 'WGS84',
'datum': 'WGS84',
lambert_aea2 = {'proj': 'laea',
'ellps': 'WGS84',
'datum': 'WGS84'}
xi = [12.1295, 8.4555, 11.1193, 15.8035, 13.1496]
yi = [43.2947, 44.8834, 47.1653, 41.7059, 39.4241]
inProj = Proj(init = 'epsg:4326')
outProj1 = Proj(lambert_aea1)
outProj2 = Proj(lambert_aea2)
x1,y1 = np.array(transform(inProj,outProj1,xi,yi))
x2,y2 = np.array(transform(inProj,outProj2,xi,yi))
>> x1 = ([0., -290653.25071928, -76769.35932204, 306156.50224268, 88008.51279864])
>> x2 = ([0., -290185.4370178, -76641.501629, 305687.406043, 87878.46410642])
>> y1 = ([-21378.23435213, 161863.38128257, 409910.18924861, -191449.19444042, -451253.91439645])
>> y2 = ([0., 182924.98967511, 430536.02515148, -169835.95115785, -429281.93580092])
Now if I calculate the distances between the first point and all other points, and compare them to the distances I get by using the function pyproj.Geod.inv, I get the following differences:
geod = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
dist1 = []
for jj in range(1,len(xi)):
dist2 = np.sqrt((x1[0]-x1[1:])**2 +(y1[0]-y1[1:])**2)
dist3 = np.sqrt((x2[0]-x2[1:])**2 +(y2[0]-y2[1:])**2)
print (dist2-dist1)
print (dist3-dist1)
>> [ 517.81025651 660.65516468 485.62015613 537.69336351]
>> [ -46.78192359 -102.50618725 -38.57430363 -70.06941143]
What am I missing here?
Also are these distance "errors" reasonable? This is the first time I deal with coordinate systems and projections, so even though this precision is probably fine for my purposes, I was surprised to find such errors for my relatively small region.
To rephrase my question, I am wondering why does my 'laea' projection using pyproj change, if in addition to the ellipsoid (WGS84), I specify the radius of the earth R = 6378137. From what I understand, this is the radius dictated by the WGS84 ellipsoid anyways. Is pyproj using some default radius despite me defining the ellipsoid, or am I doing something wrong?
I also cannot find any good documentation for pyproj and proj4 with information about the arguments needed for each specific projection type.
takes latitude and longitude pairs, not projected pairs, so the results are random.