I am new here and I hope I can find answers to my question here! I am developing a mapping platform for desktop, web, mobile (Android). I finally finished embedding mapping into my android software using osmdroid library. Now I want to start Java desktop part and I want to know is there any open source library like osmdroid or mapsforge for Java SE?

Thanks in advance.


2 Answers 2


Mapsforge works on Android with Java. This is the GETTING STARTED GUIDE with sample applications (that are a real pain in the neck to set up and are easier to work from Honeycomb onwards).


While it's not a library, take a look at JOSM, which is a Java editor for OpenStreetMap data. It uses MapCSS for styling vector layers, and has a JMapViewer component for tiled raster layers.

  • definitely one solution. how much support does it get compared to other solutions?
    – tony gil
    Commented Nov 28, 2012 at 22:25
  • 1
    I can't say about other solutions, but JOSM has several developers working on it with regular releases (monthly).
    – joshdoe
    Commented Nov 29, 2012 at 13:29

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